Japanese Context

there's a trailer for final fantasy 7 remake


it starts off with a bunch of japanese characters, and names, for example, "Kitase". So you're in a Japanese context.

then at the end it says "REMAKE" and i was like, what the fuck word is that, trying to pronounce it like a japanese word




My Linux days have me typing "man [help topic]" to bring up the manual. It has carried over into Googling.

Read more at Nerdier

Which base?!

I inherit projects from other developers, and I love finding bad code and laughing at it.

Read more at Which base?!

Waste of Ink

Reading through Buzzfeed... (not even going to link it)
yeah those articles are a waste of ink
and they don't even use ink


me -- shut up

bb -- did you just tell yourself to shut up?

me -- i was preemptively telling you to shut up about asking if i told myself to shut up

Work Frustrations and Booze

they have to enumerate changes that i have to make to the html
they can't just commit the whole thing, and be like, we updated html, please comply
because i don't know that i'll get everything
it's very manual, like that bar game where you compare dirty pictures to see what is the difference
and i am only good at that game after 4-6 beers
do they want me to drink?!
i can...