The brilliant phrases just keep on flowing

Here's a new one, to add on to my previous phrase. If you come across someone who knows everything, you can say this about them:

Like the bottom of an upside down cereal box, he/she has all the answers

There is a bit of confusion as to what the f^@#$%!@ I mean. And the bottom of an upside down cereal box is the top, but the cereal is not what matters here. I don't know what I'm saying. It probably has to be refined a bit, but when I was growing up, cereal boxes would have games on the back, and one type of game they would have would be a quiz. But, instead of making it impossible to know if you were right or wrong on certain questions, you would just flip the box upside down, and there, along the edge at the bottom (relatively, the top) were the answers.

I'll refine it. This is version 0.9 Beta.

Update: Hmm, maybe just
Like the bottom of a cereal box, he/she has all the answers.

I can't say Like the back of the cereal box because the quiz is also on the back. I guess I can say it though. It doesn't signify that they're upside down either. So, I'll say F@#%@# it, I give up. I'll call it Version 1.0 (Build 3).

Like the back of a cereal box, he/she has all the answers.

Make sure to add the © too!!! That's "© 2005 Jason Connell" in case you're wondering.