Go and Sitecore, Part 3

I've integrated Go heavily into tools to make development of Sitecore much more easier. Replacing Team Development for Sitecore has been hugely beneficial. This is part 3, which involves deserializing the serialized Sitecore data back into the database.

In parts 1 and 2, so far, we've covered code generation with Go against a Sitecore template tree, and serializing items from the database to disk. Part 3 takes that serialized form and updates the database with items and fields that are missing or different, then clears out any items or fields that were orphaned in the process.

It probably doesn't do the clearing orphaned fields completely correctly, as I will only clear fields where the item doesn't exist anymore. It won't clear fields that no longer belong to the new template if the item's template changed. That'll probably be an easy change though, as it could probably be done with a single (albeit, advanced) query.

Deserializing involves the following steps.

  1. Load all items (already done at the beginning every time the program runs)
  2. Load all field values. This happens if you are serializing or deserializing.
  3. Read the contents from disk, mapping serialized items with items in the database.
  4. Compare items and fields.
    1. If an item exists on disk but not in the database, it needs an insert
    2. If an item exists on the database but not on disk, it needs a delete (and all fields and children and children's fields, all the way down its lineage)
    3. #2 works if an item was moved because delete happens after moves.
    4. Do the same thing for fields... update if it changed, delete if in the db but not on disk, insert if on disk but not in the db.
  5. This can, in some cases, cause thousands of inserts or updates, so we'll do batch updates concurrently.

Deserialization code just involves 2 regular expressions, and filepath.Walk to get all serialized files. Read the files, build the list, map them to items where applicable, decide whether to insert / update / delete / ignore, and pass the whole list of updates to the data access layer to run the updates.

I love the path and filepath packages. Here's my filepath.Walk method.

func getItemsForDeserialization(cfg conf.Configuration) []data.DeserializedItem {
	list := []data.DeserializedItem{}
	filepath.Walk(cfg.SerializationPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if strings.HasSuffix(path, "."+cfg.SerializationExtension) {
			bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
			contents := string(bytes)
			if itemmatches := itemregex.FindAllStringSubmatch(contents, -1); len(itemmatches) == 1 {
				m := itemmatches[0]
				id := m[1]
				name := m[2]
				template := m[3]
				parent := m[4]
				master := m[5]

				item := data.DeserializedItem{ID: id, TemplateID: template, ParentID: parent, Name: name, MasterID: master, Fields: []data.DeserializedField{}}

				if fieldmatches := fieldregex.FindAllStringSubmatch(contents, -1); len(fieldmatches) > 0 {
					for _, m := range fieldmatches {
						id := m[1]
						name := m[2]
						version, _ := strconv.ParseInt(m[3], 10, 64)
						language := m[4]
						source := m[5]
						value := m[6]

						item.Fields = append(item.Fields, data.DeserializedField{ID: id, Name: name, Version: version, Language: language, Source: source, Value: value})
				list = append(list, item)

		return nil

	return list

I did a quick and crude "kick off a bunch of update processes to cut the time down" method.

func update(cfg conf.Configuration, items []data.UpdateItem, fields []data.UpdateField) int64 {
	var updated int64 = 0
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	itemGroupSize := len(items)/2 + 1
	fieldGroupSize := len(fields)/4 + 1

	// items - 2 processes
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		grp := items[i*itemGroupSize : (i+1)*itemGroupSize]
		go func() {
			updated += updateItems(cfg, grp)

	// fields - 4 processes
	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
		grp := fields[i*fieldGroupSize : (i+1)*fieldGroupSize]
		go func() {
			updated += updateFields(cfg, grp)


	return updated

Very unclever. Take all of the update items and fields, break them into a set number of chunks, kick off six processes, allocating twice as many for fields than for items. Each call to the respective update methods opens its own connection to SQL Server. This can be done much better but it does accomplish what I set out to accomplish. Utilize Go's coroutines (goroutines) and where something can be done concurrently, do it concurrently to try to cut down the time required. This is the only process that uses Go's concurrent constructs.

That's it for part 3!  Part 4 will come more quickly than part 3 did. I had some things going on, a year anniversary with my girlfriend, lots of stuff :)

Part 1 - Generation
Part 2 - Serialization
Part 3 - Deserialization