Go Recursive Diff to Verify SVN Merge December 16, 2014
For some reason, SVN Merge over large trees, where work was simultaneously going on in both branches, is very unreliable. And, you can't tell quickly if something is wrong, especially if what is different is not compiled. This could be very bad if you merge your current work into the trunk, and deploy the trunk version live. It would require a full regression test.
Fortunately, Go exists, and is fast. However, with all of my tweaking of goroutintes and channels to try to get it to process each subdirectory in a separate goroutine, my efforts proved futile as I couldn't get it to be quicker than 9 seconds. There's a lot of content. I wrote it to ignore whitespace changes so that slowed it down immensely.
package utility
import (
func MD5(content []byte) string {
sum := md5.Sum(content)
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sum)
That's the utility class that I use to just hash large swaths of content. Then here's the huge chunk of code that is my recursive file diff, approximately 170 lines of code.
package main
import (
type Dir struct {
Name string
FullPath string
BaseDir *Dir
Subdirs []*Dir
Files []string
Level int
type FileResult struct {
FullPath string
Result bool
var reg = regexp.MustCompile(`[\W]+`)
func readDirRecursive(base *Dir, types, ignore []string) {
content, err := ioutil.ReadDir(base.FullPath)
if err != nil {
for _, f := range content {
name := f.Name()
if f.IsDir() {
addDir := true
for _, ign := range ignore {
addDir = addDir && !strings.EqualFold(name, ign)
if addDir {
sub := &Dir{ Name: name, BaseDir: base, FullPath: base.FullPath + `\` + name, Level: base.Level + 1}
readDirRecursive(sub, types, ignore)
base.Subdirs = append(base.Subdirs, sub)
} else {
addFile := false
for _, t := range types {
addFile = addFile || strings.HasSuffix(name, t)
if addFile {
base.Files = append(base.Files, name)
func spaces(times int) string{
return strings.Repeat(" ", times)
func printDir (level int, dir *Dir){
fmt.Print(spaces(level) + dir.Name + "\n")
for _, sd := range dir.Subdirs {
printDir(level +1, sd)
for _, f := range dir.Files {
fmt.Println(spaces(level) + "- " + f)
func getContentMD5(file string) string {
b,err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
return nil
s := reg.ReplaceAllString(string(b), "")
return utility.MD5([]byte(s))
func compareFiles(file1, file2 string) bool {
m1 := getContentMD5(file1)
m2 := getContentMD5(file2)
return m1 == m2
func compinternal (dir1 *Dir, dir2 *Dir, results chan FileResult) {
for _, f := range dir1.Files {
for _, f2 := range dir2.Files {
if strings.EqualFold(f,f2) {
result := compareFiles(dir1.FullPath + `\` + f, dir2.FullPath + `\` + f2)
results <- FileResult{ FullPath: dir1.FullPath + `\` + f, Result: result}
for _, sd1 := range dir1.Subdirs {
for _, sd2 := range dir2.Subdirs {
if strings.EqualFold(sd1.Name, sd2.Name){
sdchan := make(chan FileResult)
go func(){
compinternal(sd1, sd2, sdchan)
for sdresult := range sdchan {
results <- sdresult
func rcomp(dir1, dir2 string, filetypes []string, ignore []string) []string {
diffs := []string{}
left := &Dir{ Name: "Root Left", FullPath: dir1, Level: 0, BaseDir: nil }
right := &Dir{ Name: "Root Right", FullPath: dir2, Level: 0, BaseDir: nil }
readDirRecursive(left, filetypes, ignore)
readDirRecursive(right, filetypes, ignore)
resultChannel := make(chan FileResult)
go func (){
compinternal(left, right, resultChannel)
for result := range resultChannel {
if !result.Result {
diffs = append(diffs, result.FullPath)
return diffs
func main(){
args := os.Args[1:]
if len(args) < 4 {
fmt.Println("need right and left directories, file types to include, folder names to ignore")
start := time.Now().Unix()
types := strings.Split(args[2], ";")
ignore := strings.Split(args[3], ";")
fmt.Println("Grabbing files " + strings.Join(types, ", "))
fmt.Println("Ignoring folders " + strings.Join(ignore, ", "))
diffs := rcomp(args[0],args[1], types, ignore)
for _, diff := range diffs {
end := time.Now().Unix()
total := end - start
fmt.Println(total, "seconds taken")
I later added a counter to see how many files it's actually comparing. In the project I wrote this app for, the file count of those included (.js, .cs, etc) was 2,794.
I could stand to clean up the output a bit, but it helped me identify a few files that were out of date with the branch. Thanks svn. And thanks Go!