Go Programming Language and Kindle Unlimited

Always learning.  I look at Google's Go programming language, and at first it's new syntax, there's a few foreign things to me, I take this as a challenge that I want to overcome. I will know this language. Eventually. I have aspirations of doing everything I've done in Node.js on it. As Perl started it all, and Classic ASP replaced Perl, Java replaced Classic ASP, and Node.js replaced Java (in my "side language" progression, languages I've learned that haven't earned me a dime [other than in the aspect that I've grown and stretched my brain to think differently]), possibly eventually Go will replace Node.js.  It seems more "grown up" to me. Back when I was in college, learning C++ in those early days, and then never having a difficult-to-comprehend language to deal with after that. Ideally this was because languages have been getting simpler, 4GL, more abstraction with regards to references and memory management, multi-threading is cake (a cake with a shotgun hidden inside).

Go seems neat. These things that arise, though, when starting to learn a new language, and forgetting about them because they are initial growing pains, like setting up the environment in order to work best with the new language. Now I have everything set up for Node development that I don't have to think about it, I just get in there and start hacking. And immediately you forget about what it took to get it to that point, and you get to a new language, and you're like, man, this is much worse than what Node was, is it worth it?  The answer is it's not worse, I just forgot about it and don't have to worry about it anymore.

Node was less of a leap, as well, since the language isn't new, there isn't any new syntax, I've been doing Javascript for a decade...  (Although that doesn't necessarily hold true when learning Javascript APIs like Angular)  However, Go is a bit of a leap. New syntax, new way of thinking, different environment setup. These are my favorite challenges. So I started looking on the web for how to do Go. In all honesty, I'm still lost :)  I have my Go Workspace set up with the bin, pkg and src directories, and the Go environment variable to tell where this is. I just need to inject as much knowlege as I can when it comes to programming Go. Which brings me to Kindle Unlimited.

Kindle Unlimited. So much promise. Being bright eyed and wanting to learn Go, I wanted to see if any of the books out there were available on Amazon Kindle. To my delight, they were. And I had received emails from Amazon announcing Kindle Unlimited over the course of the past few weeks or whatever. So I wanted to buy the ticket and take the ride. They offered a free trial month also, which made this a zero pain investment. There are plenty of good Go books out there, and available on Kindle, that I could be reading for 6 months and still be getting more value out of Kindle Unlimited than what I was paying.

So I signed up. Then I searched for the book I was looking to read, "Programming in Go: Creating Applications for the 21st Century", which seemed like a good start. I didn't set out to create apps for the 20th or 19th centuries, and there's 85 years left in the 21st, this seemed on par as to where I wanted to go. Strangely there's no "send to my Kindle" button, since now I'm signed up for "Unlimited", meaning not having a limit, and I would like to read this book. So I go on the Kindle app on my phone, and notice there's a category for Kindle Unlimited, meaning books are categorized as Kindle Unlimited, certain books are picked to be in the Unlimited category, so only certain books (700,000) are available as unlimited, and the book I wanted to read is not available. So I looked at what Go books were available on Kindle Unlimited. There were some but I really need the beefy, 400+ pages that are offered on the book I mentioned earlier in this paragraph.

I cancelled my Kindle Unlimited subscription after 8 minutes.