Fantasy Golf Tracking with Node.js, MongoDB, AngularJS, and Bootstrap - Part 2

I'll address this in parts since the first post really didn't cover anything technical, and was just a bunch of screenshots.

MongoDB Implementation

I previously went over the basic data structure for this app in the previous post.  Teams consist of the team name. Tournaments consist of the key, the name, the start and end date, the course name, the par for the course, and the current round. Also, bools for finished and in progress. Then there is the teams players per tournament which I called teamTournament. It also keeps historical records of their total for that tournament. This lead me to be able to build a leaderboard widget, since the lowest score at the end of the season gets a prize.

Tournament Sample Data

> db.tournaments.find().pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("53a0964d4fcdf5c39c912acd"),
        "key" : "us-open-2014",
        "name" : "U.S. Open",
        "scoresLocation" : "",
        "startDate" : ISODate("2014-06-12T07:00:00Z"),
        "endDate" : ISODate("2014-06-15T19:00:00Z"),
        "latestRound" : 4,
        "inProgress" : false,
        "isFinished" : true,
        "course" : "Pinehurst No. 2",
        "par" : 70

Granted, that inProgress and isFinished can be determined real time, but that's ok.

Team Tournament Sample Data

> db.teamTournament.find().pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("53a2e61ed42498e823000001"),
        "players" : [
        "teamId" : ObjectId("53a193fc4fcdf5c39c912af7"),
        "tournamentId" : ObjectId("53a20488d7aee2e01b000001"),
        "tournamentTotal" : 1073

I used to use DBRef for referencing other collections, but then I found out that unless you don't know at runtime, you should just use ObjectID.  So my ObjectID of 53a19 etc is in the field of teamId, so I know it's a team reference. If it were called "documentId" and I had collections of "images" and "html snippets" and "swf files", then I could use the DBRef, since it could be one of 3 different collections I want to reference. But since I know, MongoDB says it's much more efficient to just use ObjectID references.

Node.js to Access the Database

As for writing code to access this, I use the Node MongoDB Native library for accessing node, and a helper class that I wrote so I'm not writing lots of code to do things that I do frequently. For instance, my code for getting tournaments looks like this:

this.getTournament = function(db, key, callback){
    dbhelp.findOne(db, "tournaments", { key: key }, function(tournament){

this.getCurrentTournament = function(db, callback){
    var upcoming = new Date().addDays(3);
    var past = new Date();

    dbhelp.find(db, "tournaments", { "$or": 
                { "startDate": { "$lt": upcoming } },  
                { "endDate": { "$lt": past } }
        }, null, { startDate: 1 }, function(tournaments){
        if (tournaments != null && tournaments.length > 0){ return callback(tournaments[0]); }
        else return callback(null);

this.getTournaments = function(db, year, callback){
    var start = new Date(year, 0, 1);
    var end = new Date(year, 11, 31);

    dbhelp.find(db, "tournaments", { startDate: { "$gt": start }, endDate: { "$lt": end } }, function(tournaments){

So, you can see, not a lot of code for getting a specific tournament, getting the current tournament, and getting all tournaments this year. (Also I've modified the Date prototype to include a .addDays method).

That is some sample code that I've written for this application. It covers the back end. Next up I'll cover the front end, using AngularJS and Bootstrap to make it work well and look great!