This is ridiculous

A few days ago I ordered 4 pillows from When they shipped, I noticed right away that they shipped in 4 different packages. I immediately became suspicious, and couldn't wait to see what these things looked like. That's my Amazon Prime hard at work ($79 a year for free two day delivery on unlimited packages).

So, today they get here. Indeed, they're in 4 different packages. And they're HUGE boxes! I'm like "Holy s@#%, what did I get myself into?!?" I pictured getting rid of my bed and using just the pillows at this point; the boxes are literally that big. Hardly containing my cool, I tear into the first one. This is ridiculous. About a half a box of AIR WRAPPING and a normal sized pillow underneath. I was thrilled that my pillows didn't break during the shipping process, and I have and their air wrapping to thank for that.

I ordered four because originally I ordered three but could only get pillowcases in sets of two. They really f@#%@ed me over on that one. It's like hot dog buns and hot dogs. Twelve dogs and eight buns (or is it twelve buns and eight dogs???) Brutal. However, my original choice (guess) at pillows were backordered so I ordered a different brand, and this time four, because I wouldn't have the slightest clue what to do with an extra pillowcase. Maybe make a shirt out of it? I don't know. Probably give it to good will.

My brother gets home before me, so he checks the mail, and outside (we live in a trustworthy neighborhood) are these four gigantic boxes. He's like "What did this kid get this time?!?" So, he figures he better get them in. Assuming they'll be heavy, judging from the size, he gets ready for the strain. He bent over, grabbed a hold, and took one last breath before really putting all his might into lifting up these packages. I'm happy to report we didn't have to retrieve them from the roof today :)

Moral of the story: Packing guys really do care if your stuff gets to you in one piece.