God Bless Gentoo

I go to install OpenOffice.org (Commonly just referred to as "OOo"), and the install package for Linux is in RPM format, which is a RedHat invention, basically an installation package (usually you're just compiling source :p). I type in "which rpm" to see if I have rpm to install this thing. It says "No rpm in $path". "F@#%@#$#. I can't install OOo 2.0?!?!"

Ahh, but then I type in "emerge rpm". Gentoo has a software management tool called "Portage", and how you use it is to simply type in "emerge" followed by the software that you want. F@#*^ing A!! It takes a little while, since it checks for the dependencies, downloads all the source code, compiles it, and then cleans it. But, I'm talking 10 minutes ago I started this thing, and it's almost done. There were 2 dependencies to install before RPM. Take that Windows!!

Other times I've needed stuff on other Linux distributions, I'd have to search the web... pfff. That's like 2005 technology.

After 12 minutes, I try again...
which rpm

It's miraculous

Wow, on another topic... OOo 2.0 is pretty sweet. I was using 1.1 or something forever. It has definitely improved, interface-wise. And I saved my first "OpenDocument" file!! I just opened my "Attachments" document and saved that as an ".odt", or "OpenDocument Text". Free, awesome stuff kicks ass.