I did nothing this weekend

It was awesome! Here's a report.

Friday, went home, ordered pizza, played an NHL 2k6 tournament with my brother and his friends, and WHOOPED ASS. During my off time (96.4 percent of this weekend) I was writing software for stringed.org, and got somewhere with it. I got my hair cut. I watched football. I drank coffee. Flyers played on Saturday (won 2-1 vs. the Penguins). Some guy (a coworker) beeped at me today because my headlights were on as I was walking away from my car into work.

I'm so awesome at NHL 2k6. At least vs. my brother and his friends. I lost one game to Bean's friend Drew, and I apparently don't take losing too well, because the next game I was ahead 8-0 at the end of the 2nd period! I won 9-3 as Drew took out his goalie looking to score 5 goals in the last minute and a half. Then me and Bean played an extended tournament final on Saturday, best of 7, and I won 4-3. OK, it was only best of 7 because I hate losing, and kept saying "Best of X" where X is the next odd number after Bean jumped up to win the previous one. I am a sore loser, but it's only because I'm awesome and I will win most of the time. :)

The Flyers' game on Saturday was on NBC instead of its usual spot on Comcast Sportsnet or Channel 57 (UPN). I hate NBC games. It's only the announcers. On the other two channels, we have great announcers. Jim Jackson, Gary Dornhoeirififfer (no idea), and Coatesy (like, coat-sey). They know about the Flyers, who's great, certain players' tendencies, what they do well, etc. Watching that game on NBC was the worst experience watching a Flyers game EVER. Those guys are complete idiots. They probably have never played hockey in their lives, for one thing. Also, everyone in the NHL world who is not a fan of the Flyers gets word of this player on the Penguins named "Sidney Crosby", and they just want to make out with him. You could tell that they were expecting the Penguins to win, just because they had Sidney Crosby. After they said his name everytime, I swore I could hear them kneel down in honor of him. All they kept saying was "Crosby's out there now" or "Crosby is excellent" or "Man, I love Crosby" or "Can I have Crosby's children?". At one point, Jeff had switched channels, and it had been a few minutes, so I asked "Yo, is the Sidney Crosby show back on yet?" Also, showing the complete lack of Flyers knowledge of the announcers, they say towards the end of the game "Michal Hanzus has had an excellent defensive game." If they had seen one game, they would know that he plays an excellent defensive game EVERY game. He's a forward, but he's still incredible. Another thing about these f#@%$!#! as#!$@oles is that they don't pronounce anyone's name right. Jim Jackson is great at this. He seems to have studied different languages so he knows how to pronounce "Radivojevic" and "Desjardins", and other tough names.

Getting told that my headlights are on is nothing new to me. My car seems to be the only one that keeps its headlights on for a few seconds after I lock it up as I'm walking away from it. I've owned it for over 3 years now (-3 months while it was being repaired after the accident), and I always get told that if people are there to see it. I do tell them that they'll go off, and I thank them for letting me know, but have they never seen a car that keeps its headlights on for a few seconds? They're daytime lamps so they're always on when the car's on.

[Update] Here's an idea of how big Crosby is in the NHL... the Pittsburgh newspaper (Post-Gazette) has a section on their website called Crosby Watch

Haha!! I read an article, the "At 14, Scout sold on Crosby" one, just for material to post on here. I found this:

"Two, three guys in the corner, and he always pops out with the puck. From the waist down, his legs must be unbelievable."

He hopes that it's not all that's unbelievable below his waste.